Reviews & specials
April 24, 2020

MEDIHEAL face masks

It’s common for people to get dry skin in the winter when the humidity is low, but there are also plenty of people who get dry skin from sunburns and too much air conditioning in the summer as well!

You can never let your guard down even when it gets warmer…

So today we would like to introduce “MEDIHEAL,” a popular and highly trusted face mask brand held at nanohana Ebisubashi!

▼ What is MEDIHEAL?
MEDIHEAL is a Korean cosmetics brand that specializes in moisturizing! The makers L&P Cosmetics have planned and developed their products based on dermatologist’s clinical experience and irritation testing. They have received high evaluation for their safe skin care products which can be used by many different skin types!

There are other popular items aside from their face masks, but these face masks are known to be made using one whole bottle of ampoule for every sheet.

There are many types of masks so you can easily customize and choose one to suit your needs. We hope you can find the perfect one just for you!

These masks are the holy grails for many of our staff, and they also make great presents for that special someone ( ˘ ³˘) ♪

Here is a face mask tip! 🌞
Did you know that face masks shouldn’t be worn for long hours or until the sheet dries? The reason being is that once the mask starts to dry, it starts absorbing moisture from your skin, causing more damage than good 😱 Make sure you refer to the usage time written on the package and follow proper skin care!

Maker: L&P Cosmetics
Contents: 25 ml

[Notice of temporary closure as preventative measures against spread of COVID-19]
nanohana Ebisubashi is temporarily closed from April 16, 2020 to May 6, 2020. We apologize for the inconveniences and thank you for your understanding.

We will continue posting new reviews and specials, so please feel free to periodically check the news section on the website.
